Saturday 17 November 2012

Plants---The Essential Producer

Plants take the roles as the PRODUCERS in the natural food chains or BASE of the pyramid of number to provide energy for the dynamic ecosystem. They act as natural converters of energy after gaining energy directly from sunlight and undergoing the process of photosynthesis.

Energy from plants is then transferred to herbivores (plant eaters, e.g. cow, goat, horse) when they feed on the plants, followed by carnivores (meat eaters, e.g. lion, tiger, leopard ) or omnivores (plants and meat eaters, e.g. dog, cat, rat) and finally detritivores or decomposers (e.g. fungi, bacteria, termites). The decomposers later break down and supply nutrients back to the plants.

All herbivores, carnivores, omnivores and decomposers are known as CONSUMERS as they obtain energy from plants directly or indirectly through food chain transition instead of from the sun.

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