Monday 3 December 2012

Threatened Plants in Malaysia

Although Malaysia is known for it wide species of over 15, 000 plants, many of them can't escape from the fate of extinction due to habitat destruction, infrastructure development, pollution and world climatic changes.

The top THREE plants in Malaysia that face EXTICTION are as followed:

1. Giam Kanching (Hopea subalata)

Special Characteristic: fruit with two-winged seeds
Habitat: Land that is just above sea level (900 meter altitude)

2. Pitcher Plant (Nepenthes Macrophylla)

Special Characteristic: Carnivorous plant, pitcher-shaped leaves
Habitat: Mossy forests at a 2,000 to 2,600 meter altitude in Borneo

3. Moss (Taxitheliella richardsii)

Special Characteristic: Grows on woody vines and rotted logs in subtropical forests
Habitat: Malaysian state on northwest Borneo

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